Native plants Garden

Native plants of Singapore

Dendrobium crumenatum

Dendrobium crumenatum

Common Name: Pigeon Orchid, Daun Sepulih Tulang

Growth Requirements (including habitat): It is found in semi-deciduous and deciduous dry lowland forests and savannah-like woodlands at an altitude of 500 metres. It grows well in semi-shaded conditions to full sun, and requires dry soils to thrive.

Habit (Herb/Shrub/Treelet/Tree): The Pigeon Orchid is a sympodial, epiphytic, lowland orchid. The leaves are coriaceous, deciduous and lanceolate to elliptical in shape while being slightly notched at the leaf apex. The multiple stems can grow up to 30cm in length which are basally enlarged, end off at slender tips and are covered with scarious sheaths 2 to 3cm long. The stems have a pendulous growth habit. The white flowers are fragrant with a yellow tinted throat and have a short lifespan, lasting less than a day.

Uses: The Pigeon Orchid is used as a type of herb and spice. It also possesses medicinal properties. Malays and Indonesians apply leaf poultice to pimples and boils. Juice from swollen pseudobulbs is used as eardrops to treat ear-ache. Its common name, Daun Sepulih Tulang (Bone Restoring Leaf), suggests use as treatment for bone-related ailments.

Stem fibres from Pigeon Orchid are also used to make braiding materials for hats in Philippines. In terms of cultural uses, the Pigeon Orchid is planted near entrance of house in some Malaysian states as a good-luck talisman to ward off evil spirits from entering house.

Interesting Information: The flower buds look somewhat like little pigeons, hence its common name ‘Pigeon Orchid’.


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