Native plants Garden

Native plants of Singapore

Gnetum gnemon

Gnetum gnemon has a narrow, conical to column-like crown. (source:

Gnetum gnemon has a narrow, conical to column-like crown.

Gnetum gnemon

Common names: Melinjo, Belinjo/Belinjau


Growth requirements (including habitat)

Belinjau can grow on soils high in clay or sand content, and also on calcerous rocks however moisture must be available during the dry season.


Habit (Herb/ Shrub/ Treelet/ Tree)

Gnetum gnemon is a shade tolerant, slender evergreen tree, up to 15 m tall. Usually branching in whorls from the base and deeply rooted with a strong tap root system, G. gnemon does not develop buttresses. The trunk is most recognisable with regular swollen rings around the girth, marking the position of old branches. Leaves are broad (10-20 cm), opposite, dark green, shiny, elliptic with netted veins. Flowers are monosexual; in catkin-like formations; the male flower consists of a stamen and perianth; female flowers, 5-8 at each node have an ovule with two integuments and a perianth. The seeds are oval-shaped.



The tree’s roots are used as an antidote for poison, and as a medicine for malaria. Its young leaves, flowering shoots and fruits are edible when cooked. The inner bark provides a fibre, which is made into string bags known as bilum – used by villagers in Papua New Guinea.


Interesting Information

The kernels of Belinjau seeds are made into crackers.

The kernels of Belinjau seeds are made into crackers.

The kernel of the seed is made into crackers.





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