Native plants Garden

Native plants of Singapore

Hedychium coronarium

H.coronarium1Hedychium coronarium

Common Name: Butterfly Ginger, White Ginger Lily

Growth Requirements (including habitat): It is found along riverbanks and in shallow water. It can also occur on the edges of shaded secondary forests. It grows best with full sun or partial shade, or bright indirect light, with moderate to high humidity. It prefers soils that are fertile, organic rich, well drained and moist.

Habit (Herb/Shrub/Treelet/Tree): It is a perennial rhizomatous herb and is considered invasive in some countries. It usually grows to about 1m to 2.5 m tall but sometimes up to 2.5 m tall. It produces a thick mat of creeping underground stems (rhizomes) close to the soil surface. Leaves are lanceolate, around 30-60 cm long, and arranged in 2 neat ranks that run the length of the stem. Flowers are white and fragrant with pale yellow-green throat and lips projecting downward. The flowers eventually give way to showy seedpods chock full of bright red seeds.

Uses: Hedychium coronarium is widely cultivated as a garden ornamental and as a source of cut flowers. Its rhizomes are edible and also have medicinal properties; the juice of the stem is able to treat swellings when applied. The white flowers have aromatic oils that can be used for dyes and seasonings. The native Hawaiians uses the juice of mature seed head as a shampoo and conditioner for hair. The juice is said to be able to soften and brings shine to the hair. Traditionally, the root can be cooked to soften to relief toothache or cavity.

Interesting Information: It is the national flower of Cuba.



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